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Founder members of the Consortium of Brunello di Montalcino Wine

Excerpt from the memorandum of association drawn up by the Notary Mr. Giuliano Tanda on 28th April 1967.
The year 1967, on the…, in Montalcino, in my office on Via…, at ten minutes after ten ante meridian, before me, …. are represented the following farming estates:
Abbadia Ardenga, …, …, etc.
The appearing parties, all Italian citizens of whose identity I, the undersigned Notary, am certain, covenant and agree as follows:
Art. 1
A consortium called “Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino” is formed by the appearing parties and by any other parties that shall become members thereof in the future.


The Abbadia Ardenga Poggio Winery invites you to discover its wines and specialties, fruit of the passion for this territory.

… We could tell you that our products are outstanding… but why take our work for it? Try them for yourself!




蒙达奇诺·布鲁奈罗 维尼皮阿吉亚


蒙达奇诺·布鲁奈罗 珍藏版D.O.C.G.


Vino di Pan


蒙达奇诺·洛索 D.O.C.


阿登加 I.G.T.


Vinsanto Sant’Antimo


Grappa di Brunello Riserva


Olio Extravergine di Oliva


阿巴迪亚•阿登加 - 蒙达奇诺·布鲁奈罗葡萄酒 - 酒庄管理处:Via Romana 139, 53024 Torrenieri(蒙达奇诺,意大利) -电话和传真 + 39 0577 834 150
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